God is not distant but fills and upholds the universe through love. Quoting the philosopher Epimenides, the apostle Paul stated, “In God we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) There is nowhere God is not present. As the ancient psalmist sang: “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.” (Psalm 139:7-8) Even in the most difficult or mundane of circumstances, God is closer than the breath within us. And yet so often we are unaware of that presence. Busyness and distraction crowd it out. The weight of our emotions dulls our senses. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, God seems absent.

Through the centuries, people have discovered different practices that help to increase their awareness of God’s presence in everyday life. These practices carry no guarantees. They are not tricks or techniques to make God appear. But through intentional mindfulness, solitude and silence, as well as through community, service and activism, we can invite God to open our eyes to Immanuel, God with us. During this five-week series, we will engage in contemplative and active practices as we seek to encounter God within ourselves, in one another, and in our beautiful but hurting world.


April 7 Community Matthew
April 14 Contemplation Ruth
April 21 Service Churchwide Day of Service
April 28 Activism Wesley
May 5 Nature Matthew

See what's ahead in our upcoming series.

In-Person and Online Sunday Services

Our 10AM Sunday services are held in-person, as well as live-streamed over zoom. Masks must be worn for in-person services at this time. Everyone is welcome. We hope you can join us!


Cedar Ridge Community Church is a diverse, open, and affirming community of followers of Jesus, sharing God’s love with everyone and working to make the world a better place for all. We invite you to join us on our journey of growing to be more loving people who recognize that change must begin with us.