January 19 – February 2

At Cedar Ridge, we do not aspire to be religious and commit ourselves to a system of faith and worship. Rather, we are a community dedicated to following the person of Jesus. According to the Gospel of John, people have always been drawn to Jesus, even when they were not sure why. “What are you looking for?” Jesus asked his first followers, and those words echo down through the millennia. To both the curious and the skeptical, the invitation goes out: “Come and see.” By spending time with Jesus, we grow to understand who he is and why that matters. Not only do we hear his ethical teaching, but we are challenged to enter into the reality he reveals. “Abide in me,” Jesus urged his disciples, “as I abide in you.” As we allow the Spirit of Christ to fill us and flow through us, we recognize our oneness with God and with one another. This reality propels us to love as Jesus loves—to forgive those who have wronged us, to serve others, to stand with the marginalized, and to confront systems of oppression. “As the Father sent me,” Jesus proclaimed, “I send you.”

In this three-week series, we will explore these three short phrases of Jesus recorded in John’s Gospel: “Come and see,” “Abide in me,” and “I send you.” Each week, we will allow the three little words to challenge our thinking and shape our behavior as we seek to hear and emulate Jesus.

  Message Title Speaker
January 19 “Come and see” (John 1) Matthew Dyer
January 26 “Abide in me” (John 15) Ruth Campbell
February 2 “I send you” (John 20) Matthew Dyer

See what's ahead in our upcoming series.

In-Person and Online Sunday Services

Our 10AM Sunday services are held in-person, as well as live-streamed over zoom. Masks must be worn for in-person services at this time. Everyone is welcome. We hope you can join us!


Cedar Ridge Community Church is a diverse, open, and affirming community of followers of Jesus, sharing God’s love with everyone and working to make the world a better place for all. We invite you to join us on our journey of growing to be more loving people who recognize that change must begin with us.