Food for the Hungry
March 9 – April 20
Food is essential to life itself; a mainstay of celebrations and memorials; a way to build community or tear it apart. Scripture starts and ends with God providing food, and in between those bookends, people feast and share intimate meals, hoard and withhold food, and dream of a time when everyone has enough to eat. Justice is woven into humanity’s experience of food, and in this season of political upheaval, we will focus on some of those justice issues and ways we can all respond. In some traditions, Lent is a time of fasting. This year, we will welcome the presence of food—learning from stories in the Bible related to meals, examining the justice issues it raises, and making space to share encouragement and support with one another as we eat together.
Questions for reflection and discussion will be available each week during this series. In addition, on four of the weeks, a one-page flyer will provide updates on a justice issue and a few simple and practical ways to take action. The issues covered will be food justice, environmental justice, foreign aid and immigration, and diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.
Date | Title | Speaker |
March 9 | Food for the Journey Justice issue: Foreign aid and immigration |
Ruth Campbell and Hannah Guedenet |
March 16 | Food for All Justice issue: Food justice |
Matthew Dyer and Tinica Mather |
March 23 | The Final Banquet Justice issue: Environmental justice |
Matthew Dyer and Melanie Griffin |
March 30 | Dinner Interrupted | Ruth Campbell |
April 6 | Making Room at the Table Justice issue: Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging |
Matthew Dyer and Sarah Clark |
April 13 | Palm Sunday: Celebrating the Passover | Matthew Dyer |
April 20 | Easter Sunday: Eating with the Resurrected Jesus | Various |
See what's ahead in our upcoming series.
In-Person and Online Sunday Services
Cedar Ridge Community Church is a diverse, open, and affirming community of followers of Jesus, sharing God’s love with everyone and working to make the world a better place for all. We invite you to join us on our journey of growing to be more loving people who recognize that change must begin with us.