What are Small Groups?
At Cedar Ridge we value both the opportunity to gather in a larger group on Sundays and in small groups. Small groups are an important part of how we live out our vision to follow Jesus and they give us a setting in which we can get to know one another better. By gathering in small groups, we can better care for each other, help one another grow spiritually and reach out to serve others together. It is our belief that we all need this kind of companionship and a closer connection to others than is possible in larger groups alone.
Typically, on Sundays our entire community, including children and youth, explore the same subject matter in age-appropriate ways. You can check out our current series here. Along with the Sunday messages, groups meet in our surrounding communities and on Zoom to more deeply explore the series topic. These smaller groups provide a setting in which we can get to know others a little better than on Sunday mornings.
Small groups have been instrumental over the years in CRCC and I have been blessed by being in a small group. It’s a place where deeper connections have been made with other believers. It is not always convenient for me to attend, but I attend when I can… It is a good place where we can share a little about what is going on in our lives. We laugh and cry together and support and encourage one another. Being in my small group has improved my life definitely.