Serving Locally

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Ongoing Local Projects

We want to make a lasting, sustainable, practical and relational impact on economic justice issues in our local community. The needs are numerous and can sometimes seem overwhelming, but through a prayerful process we have prioritized two particular areas for engagement: food and education. The pursuit of justice and equity in these areas brings together the work of our community farm, racial reconciliation team, and Guatemala partnerships.

Here is a list of a few ongoing projects to participate in:

  • Each month we donate needed items to families in need at nearby Greencastle Elementary School. Please click here for a list of toiletries that have been requested, and to sign up. Donations can be left in the Commons on any Sunday, or any time in the bins outside the front doors of the main church building. For more information, contact Ruth Campbell.
  • During our farm’s growing season (typically between April and September) we grow fresh, chemical free produce to benefit the hungry in our local area. Check out the farm page to see how you can help plant, weed, water and harvest produce.
  • Weekly distributions of farm food are in collaboration with the Manna Food Center. If you are interested in delivering this year please contact Tinica Mather.
  • Join us quarterly in the farmhouse to prepare a hot meal for 40 residents at Interfaith Works shelters. For more information, contact Tinica Mather.

  • Please pray for economic justice. Despite feeling the odds are stacked against our work at times, we at Cedar Ridge have hope and believe the world can be a wonderful, amazing, light-filled place! You can pray for our work in general, and for the people we come in contact with through our outreach partnerships.

Days of Service

Twice a year we gather together for breakfast before departing in groups to serve our community. Some projects occur in the church building or on our farm or property. Others take place off-campus at nearby schools, parks and other sites. There are tasks for all ages and abilities, and most of them are eligible for student learning hours. Projects include card making for nursing home residents, working on our farm, making dog chew toys for the county shelter, packing bags for people experiencing homelessness, school beautification projects, stream clean-ups, and more. Thank you to everyone who has served with us. Our next service day will be on Sunday April 27. Check back soon for project details.

SSL & Community Service Hours

Cedar Ridge has many opportunities for earning Student Service Learning (SSL) hours or community service hours. In particular, the farm, special events such as the Harvest Festival, and our regular Days of Service provide ideal opportunities. For more information on upcoming opportunities, please contact Ruth Campbell.

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