The Prayer Walk
The Cedar Ridge Prayer Walk gives you an opportunity to integrate prayer and reflection with a forty to fifty-minute walk around the 63 acre property. You can do the prayer in silence, or you can do it conversationally with a friend or two or three. A prayer walk guide is sitting in a mailbox at the gazebo adjacent to the barn where prayer station #1 is located. Take the guide with you along the path.
Welcome to the Prayer Walk
Each stop on this prayer walk invites you to notice aspects of God’s creation that may give you a greater awareness of both the present moment and the patterns in your life. Suggested responses are arranged in two tracks: one for adults and youth, and one for children. Jesus indicated that children have a special connection to the spiritual realm, so don’t let your age keep you from trying out the children’s track!
Take your time, and don’t be limited by the text. Look around and notice things that aren’t mentioned on the signs. The most rewarding moments in your walk may come from surprises that can’t be anticipated. Use all of your senses as you open yourself to the healing, peaceful presence of the Divine.
“Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God. “
George Washington Carver
A 45-Minute Guided Walk Around Our 63-Acre Property
As you walk, you are invited to notice elements of God’s creation around you, and let them stimulate you to prayer and reflection—in silence, or conversationally with friends. Don’t hurry: notice things around you. The most rewarding moments in your walk may come from surprises no one could anticipate.
To ensure a safe walk, wear sturdy shoes, and bring a bottle of water and your cell phone.
Getting Started