Matthew Dyer - September 15, 2024

A Vision for Transformation

From Series: "Vision"

Jesus was born into a first-century world of political upheaval, social oppression, and religious disillusionment. He grew to be a leader grounded in the reality of his present situation, but with a belief, a conviction, and a dream that another world was possible. In the cultural context of his day, he described this as the “Kingdom of God.” But it was not a kingdom based on force or dominance, rather it was about love, selflessness, and sacrifice for the sake of others. Jesus had a vision for another world; he imagined what we could all be together if we followed the divine way of love. He radically and passionately gave his whole self to live this way, and he called anyone and everyone to join him in doing so. Two millennia later, we are still following Jesus. In our own confusing and even despairing times of upheaval, oppression, and disillusionment, we have committed ourselves as a community to Jesus’ way of love. So in this series we will re-examine our vision to follow Jesus with the goal of understanding it more deeply and embodying it more fully. In the new context of 2024 and beyond, we want to identify the current implications of our vision for our personal and collective journeys and take action to make it a reality. Each week we’ll explore a different aspect of our vision, reflecting on why it’s so important to us ideologically and how we can embody it practically. We’ll hear from different members of our community about how our vision has impacted their own lives and there’ll be discussion and reflection material available for everyone. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is “at hand,” which means that at any point in history, including ours, there has never been a more important or relevant moment to follow.

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