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Matthew and Wesley - January 12, 2025

Change: Opportunity and Challenge

From Series: "New Year"

As we approach the New Year, there’s a sense of hope and anticipation, a feeling of newness and freshness, and a reminder that no matter what has happened in the past, there is always an opportunity to begin again. But probably all of us have some mixed emotions at this time of year when we look back as well as forward. Reflecting on the year just passed, we can celebrate and give thanks for the joys and moments of beauty, and we might also be aware of certain disappointments and even regret. And while we may be looking ahead to the New Year with excitement and anticipation, there may also be a lingering sense of anxiety about uncertainty and the unknown. All these emotions are a normal part of what it means to be human. Jesus wept with sadness and laughed with joy. He experienced the wonder of intimacy with God and the intense anxiety of feeling alone. In this 3-week series, we will reflect on these challenges and seek to experience a deeper sense of what we have been celebrating this Christmas – Immanuel, the reality of “God with us” in the present moment. Jesus taught us that no matter what has happened in the past and no matter what the future holds, God is with us because God loves us. Together, we’ll explore how we can let go of fear, let go of regret, and authentically embrace both the challenges and the opportunities of the “here and now.”

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