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Ruth Campbell - December 1, 2024


Our Advent series begins with an all-ages service focused on piecing together the Christmas story with tangrams before exploring the imagery of a circle.

From Series: "The Shape of Christmas"

This Advent season, we will use the imagery of shapes to explore the mysteries of the Christmas story. The series will begin with a playful all-ages service in which we piece together the narrative of Jesus’ birth using the seven geometric shapes of a tangram. We will also look at the circular nature of the season, and how we return each year to the beginning of our story as a faith community. During the four weeks of this series, we will explore the implications of the dividing line in time introduced by the birth of Jesus, as well as what lies at the heart of the incarnation, and the meaning of the star that brought light in the darkness and direction to those on a journey. Weekly reflections will challenge us to take practical steps to both embody and share with others hope, love, peace, and joy. This Advent, let us allow the wondrous story of Christmas to reshape us: to soften our edges, expand our circles, and open our hearts to the transforming love of God!

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