Standing for Justice in Gaza

Take Action Now

Below are ways we can all stand in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza and take action for freedom and justice for everyone.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to defend, protect, and empower the oppressed, the voiceless, and the powerless. Jesus referred to these as “the least,” meaning those our human cultures so readily dismiss as unimportant, disposable, and forgettable. In fact, Jesus even defines discipleship itself this way. The degree to which we are followers of Jesus is simply a measure of the degree to which we take care of “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40), no matter what we say or what we claim to believe.

So we must not forget the Palestinians in Gaza. The killing, starvation, and atrocious suffering is unconscionable and unacceptable. Powers within the Israeli government seem intent on completely exterminating the Palestinian people in that region, and the world cannot stand by and let this genocide happen. As followers of Jesus, we are compelled to speak out and act, both as people of faith (especially since toxic religion continues to fuel so much hatred in this situation) and as US citizens (especially since so much of the death and destruction is fueled by our own government’s decisions and our own tax dollars).

Action we can all take


  • Pray for a complete ceasefire, an end to the violence, a return of all hostages, and serious political action towards a just resolution.

Educational resources:

Ask congress to reinstate funding for UNRWA:

  • UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) provides healthcare, education and humanitarian aid to Palestinians and employs 13,000 people in Gaza. Funding was withdrawn by many nations due to Israel’s claim that UNWRA employees participated in the October 7 attacks on Israel. But an independent investigation has found no such evidence. Palestinians in Gaza are dependent on this critical lifeline, but some countries (including the US and UK) are refusing to resume funding. You can write to your political representatives here:

Put pressure on organizations we use:

Check out these links to learn how some major companies are denying services to Palestinians, and voice your concern as a (potential) consumer

Support student protests:

  • Criticizing the governments of countries does not equate to hatred for the people of those countries. Speaking out against the Israeli government’s political actions is not antisemitic. Just as we have spoken up for teachers in Montgomery County Public Schools who have expressed support for the Palestinians, let’s stand in solidarity with students protesting the same issues:

Boycott Israeli goods:

Put up posters and signs to express an alternative perspective and support for the people of Gaza:

Give to local organizations that are meeting needs on the ground: