Children & Youth

Children and youth are a priority for us at Cedar Ridge. On Sundays, different age groups for school children and young adults generally cover similar topics as adults, so families can have conversations together. We believe we all grow best through relationships, so we encourage lots of interactions between adults, young people, and children. We discuss stories from the Bible, current events, and various life challenges, and look for creative ways to help children experience and share God’s love.


Cedar Ridge Kids



What we’re learning right now

Throughout the season of Lent, kids of all ages will be exploring some of the same stories as those featured in the adult series “Food for the Hungry.” We’ll be learning about how Elijah bravely stood up for what is right, and how he was fed by ravens. We’ll hear about Ruth and Boaz and the need to make sure everyone has food. We’ll listen in as Isaiah tells of his dream about the world being made better, and as Jesus explains that everyone is welcome at his table.

Elementary: We will also learn about kids who have made a difference in the world by standing up for what is right, providing food to those in need, taking care of our planet, and helping everyone feel that they belong—kids like Malala Yousafzai, Orion Jean, Greta Thunberg, Jasilyn Charger, and Jaylen Arnold. Through discussion, videos, crafts, and games we will explore how we can help make the world a better place.

Preschool: In addition to some of the stories above, we’ll use simple, interactive stories, games, crafts, and music to explore what happened to Jesus and his friends in the days leading up to the very first Easter.

The logistics

All kids start off in the auditorium with their caregivers to sing some songs together. Musical instruments are available for those who would like them. You might also light to light a candle or write out a prayer and put it in one of the frames under the “Journey” or “Grow” banners. On the first Sunday of the month, we will also all celebrate communion together. At Cedar Ridge, everyone is welcome to participate in communion. Caregivers: you are free to decide when your child is ready to participate in this way. Kids are dismissed to their classrooms before the start of the message. There are resources available for any kids who would prefer to remain with their caregivers in the auditorium.

Cedar Ridge Kids has in-person activities on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. for kids aged 2 through 5th grade. There is also a non-staffed nursery with a live feed of the main service. Toddlers, preschool and elementary children meet in our classrooms, which are furnished with air purifiers, upgraded HVAC filters, and hand sanitizer. If your child is sick, we ask that they don’t come into the classrooms. If you are new, please stop by the Cedar Ridge Kids Welcome Desk when you arrive to check in. We look forward to getting to know you and your child!

You can contact Ruth Campbell, who oversees children’s ministry, if you’d like to find out more about Cedar Ridge Kids.

Welcome to Cedar Ridge Kids! I’m really looking forward to spending time with you! Send me an email (or ask an adult to do that for you) if you have any questions, or just want to chat.

Ruth Campbell



Hey there, Middle and High Schoolers—we’d love to have you join us over in the Barn. We meet there together each Sunday at 10 a.m. We generally discuss the same topics as in the adult services in a fun and interactive way that relates to the real-life issues we face each day. We also play games, and engage in community building activities. And eat donuts and bagels.
On the first Sunday of each month, we join the adults in the auditorium. We also periodically meet up for game nights, laser tag, sleepovers, service projects, and other fun stuff.
ALL Middle and High Schoolers are welcome. Our group is diverse, open and affirming, and has all types of personalities! We’d love to meet you, so come on over to the Barn and check us out.
For more information, please contact Trish Audi.
I’m passionate about working with young people and helping them figure out who they are and who Jesus is to them because I struggled in middle and high school with those issues and heard Psalm 139 about how I’m a wonderful work of God.

Youth Leader