by Cedar Ridge Community Church | Aug 20, 2019 | Quarterly Newsletter Highlights
My name is Darren Freeman-Coppadge. I was born and raised in Maryland, and save for a recent 5-year stint in Massachusetts, I’ve lived here my entire life. My family and I have been going to Cedar Ridge for some time. My husband first started attending CRCC in 2003...
by Cedar Ridge Community Church | Mar 15, 2019 | Quarterly Newsletter Highlights
I dreaded talking about theology with my kids for so long. I don’t want to give them my baggage, and there’s a lot of mystery to embrace. I grew up in some fear- and guilt-based communities. My earliest encounter with the “gospel” included me begging God not to let me...
by Cedar Ridge Community Church | Nov 21, 2018 | Quarterly Newsletter Highlights
For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom: I Cor. 1:25 (NIV) We know them as magi, wise men, or kings, but they would more accurately be called enigmas. Tradition has colored in some of the missing information, but Matthew’s gospel includes very little...
by Cedar Ridge Community Church | Jun 15, 2018 | Quarterly Newsletter Highlights
“Join us for a Lenten workshop on Simplifying Life”—my heart leapt as I heard those words one Sunday morning. Oh my gosh, I would love nothing more than to simplify. With two kids, a demanding job with lots of international travel, and a house, life often feels...
by Cedar Ridge Community Church | Jul 27, 2017 | Lead Pastor's Blog
I just got back from vacation on the Atlantic Coast of Florida. Most people avoid Florida in the sweltering heat of summer, but for me there’s one big draw: sea turtles. The summer months are peak time for turtles to lay their eggs on the beach, and we were staying on...